I'm working on SECRET KEEP!

Create your own story through your actions and choices.
Secret Keep is an immersive first person action game, like Thief or Dishonored, but with a strategic map from which you choose missions.
Missions arise from your prior actions, choices and allegiences.
The state of the world shifts to reflect how YOU are changing the world.

Check out my DEV DIARY playlist on YouTube.

Check out the latest


I've released BROKEN SIGNAL!

Grab it for free on or Game Jolt

Broken Signal is a quick run, grimy first person shooter
with procedurally generated towers.

Get to the top and break the signal!

Check out the TRAILER!

I've been updating the game with new tweaks & improvements,
and I'll continue to do so as the inspiration take me!

Player feedback and suggestions most welcome!

Broken Signal started out as a separate FPS project I had sitting around.
When the 2020 7DRL (7 Day Roguelike Challenge) came around,
I decided to take the core of it and turn it into a roguelike shooter!

You can check out my Dev Videos below to hear about that design & development process.

Hide & Spook: The Haunted Alchemist
is a local multiplayer VR game
for HTC Vive where the Alchemist
wears the headset, and must detect
the ghosts (who each carry a controller)
before they locate the candles
by vibration and put them out!

Get 'The Haunted Alchemist' for free on Steam.
Hide & Spook on Steam

B-Grade Renegade is a top-down grindhouse roguelike
set in an alternative 1974.

Race your way across the country
to the last rocket before the
earth gives up its last gasp.

B-Grade Renegade on Google Play Store

Find MUZBOZ Games on!


Secrets of the Waves
is a small game I made
for Global Game Jam 2017.

Rock Paper Shotgun wrote
a nice little piece about it!

Werewolf in the Wild
is an experimental
procedurally generated project
I made during ProcJam 2016.

Rock Paper Shotgun
wrote a nice snippet on it!

Ed Quarters made a
review of the prototype build...

And this dev video shows a glimpse
of the generated worlds from the
perspectives of the AI inhabitants.

Pulp Diction is now only available for a Mac download (free!)

Games won't melt your brains...
They will destroy your world!

During the 1980's, pixelated invaders
took over the minds of millions of children.

Now they've broken loose in Melbourne city!

Armed with a skateboard and a magical synth,
only you can save the world from the 8-bit apocalypse!

Rad Skater Apocalypse: RELEASE TRAILER

Note: This game is no longer available.

Apple said it was too popular and made too many millions of dollars,
and had to be removed to give everyone else a fair go.

But like seriously, I'm concentrating on PC and console development now
and the upkeep of my old iOS apps is just something I have to let go. Sorry!